The medical drama follows actor Zachary Quinto as he portrays Dr. Oliver Wolf, an eccentric medical phenomenon inspired by real-life neurologist Dr. Oliver Sacks. Known for his unorthodox (to say the very least) methods, Dr. Wolf gets a job as the new head of the Neurology Department at Bronx General Hospital, which also happens to be run by his mother, Dr. Muriel Landon (Donna Murphy).
He’s begrudgingly assigned to mentor four interns in addition to aiding his patients. Together, along with the guidance of his long-time friend and psychiatrist Dr. Carol Pierce (Tamberla Perry), as well as fellow neurosurgeon Dr. Josh Nichols (Teddy Sears), the medical team is tasked with assessing adrenaline-pumping scenarios and getting to the root of the issues their patients face before it’s too late.
During the holiday season, the series will be taking a brief hiatus before returning with the final two episodes of the season
Brilliant Minds will return with Season 1, Episode 12, “The Doctor Whose World Collapsed,” on Monday, January 6, 2024, at 10/9c on NBC.
The episode will pick up right at the cliffhanger from the previous episode, “The Other Woman,” in which the last viewers see of intern Dr. Ericka Kinney (Ashleigh LaThrop) is her getting stuck in her apartment building’s elevator with two other residents. The next scene pans to the hospital as Dr. Wolf and the rest of the interns find out that Ericka’s building collapsed, and no one has heard from her.